Popular Adoption Option?

"In 2004, just 289 Ethiopian babies were issued U.S. State Department visas. The numbers have quintupled since then, accounting for 1,725 of the 17,438 international adoptions last year. But with international adoptions on hold in Guatemala — from which 4,123 American families adopted children in 2008 — and in serious slowdown in other nations, including China, from which Americans adopted another 3,909 babies past year, and Russia (1,861), Ethiopia has become an increasingly popular option ...
China poses challenges as well. Not only does the process often take three or more years, but the parents must be married, preference is given to families of Chinese descent, and the list of requirements includes age, finances and body mass index. Ethiopia, by contrast, allows both married and single parents to adopt, and the process typically takes less than two years ..." Read More.
