Repent, Restore

Ethiopia's former prime minister Tamrat Layne was freed just few days ago after serving twelve of eighteen-year jail term. According to news report he was involved in major corruption scandal.
What is interesting is that he came out of prison a transformed person. He was a criminal and a communist going in; he now publicly confesses he is a Christian. Certainly, some of us are familiar with a story like that. Indeed, brother Tamrat must have outgrown his atheism to let Christ the Savior find him.
What is even more sobering is the remark that his one regret in life was his atheism. Now that is repentance. But repentance needs to be followed up by restoration. Any misappropriated funds should be restored and public apologies issued. [see Luke 19: 8] Equally appropriate may be a book retelling his journey from unfaith to faith.
In the meantime, our prayers are with him and his family as they regroup once again to face the future. Godspeed.
